Saint priest – martyr Sergei
Saint martyr Sergei Zacharczuk was born in 1915 in Szychowice village near Hrubieszów. His father, Nikolai, was a deacon and a famous church choir director in Hrubieszów region. Sergei’s mother entered the convent in Korc, Wołyń region after her husband had died. The martyr was preparing himself for being a priest by studying at the Wołyń Seminary in Krzemieniec and in the School for Choir Directors and Psalmists in St. Onufry Monastery in Jabłeczna. After getting married, just before the outbreak of the Second World War, Sergei was ordained a priest. He was sent to the parish in Nabroż, Tomaszów region, where the Orthodox church was demolished in 1938. In May 1943 there was a robbery of the priest’s house in Nabroż. Sergei, then 28-year-old, was tortured and died as a martyr. The church that had been located in his house was profaned. The Saint was buried at the Orthodox cemetery in Szychowice. In spring 2003 the relics were taken out from his grave and put in St. John the Theologist Church in Chełm.